June 2024: WINTHER at TUM School of Medicine Sommerfest! On 20 June 2024, WINTHER took part in the summer party of the TUM School of Medicine and Health. Our communication team prepared a booth with visual material to show the highlights of the project. Patrick Wustrow, the dermatologist currently working …

May 14, 2024: 4th WINTHER Consortium Meeting 2024 is the last year of WINTHER. Towards the successful closure of the project, the partners met in person for the 4th and last Consortium Meeting. TUM hosted the meeting at TranslaTUM in Munich. The leaders of each work package presented the results …

WINTHER Webinar on F-RSOM for disease monitoring The Webinar “Optoacoustic imaging for disease monitoring”, which took place on 22nd April 2024, is already available on the iThera website and on Youtube. With the organizational support of iThera Medical, Dr. Hailong He, Dr. Sara di Giulio and Dr. Dinish U.S presented the …

Save the date: WINTHER Webinar on 22 April 202 On 22 April 2024 at 11:00 CET a WINTHER Webinar will take place on the iThera Medical Webinar platform. Dr. Hailong He, Dr. Sara di Giulio and Dr. Dinish U.S are the three speakers who are presenting their research on fast …

New WINTHER LinkedIN page A new LinkedIN page dedicated to WINTHER has been launched! 2024 is the last year of WINTHER and great efforts are made towards the explotation phase of the project. LinkedIN is an excellent platform to expand our networking to relevant stakeholders including the scientific and industrial …

12-15 March 2024: WINTHER at EMIM 2024 The annual ESMI European Molecular Imaging Meeting took place on 12-15 March 2024 in Porto, Portugal. Erik Riedel presented his work in WINTHER with the poster “Automatic quatification of human skin anatomy and microvasculature biomarkers by optoacoustic mesoscopy”.

WINTHER Webinar on F-RSOM for disease monitoring The Webinar “Gaining New Insights into PAD and Diabetes Using Optoacoustic Imaging”, which took place on 28th February 2024 is available on the iThera website and on Youtube. With the organizational support of iThera Medical, Dr. Angelos Karlas (University Hospital rechts der Isar, …

12-15 March 2024: WINTHER at EMIM 2024 Last January 27 – February 1, 2024, the SPIE Photonics West conference took place in San Francisco (USA). This is one of the most important worldwide conferences in photonics and biomedical optics research and technology. And WINTHER could not miss it! Ludwig Englert …

New peer-reviewed paper out in Nature Biomedical Engineering! On 7 December 2023, researchers from the Technical University of Munich published their next WINTHER peer-reviewed paper in Nature Biomedical Engineering. In the paper, led by Dr. Angelos Karlas, the researchers use Fast-Raster Scan Optoacoustic Mesoscopy (F-RSOM) to identify, analyze and correlate …

New peer-reviewed paper out in Photoacoustics! On 25 May 2023, researcher from the Technical University of Munich published their next WINTHER peer-reviewed paper in Photoacoustics. In the paper, led by Dr. Teresa Nau, the researchers perform a repeatability study using Raster-Scan Optoacoustic Mesoscopy to measure mean loop length (MLL) and …

24 May 2023: WINTHER at Pint of Science 2023! On 24 May 2023, WINTHER took part in the global science festival, Pint of Science where TUM scientist and clinician, Dr. Chiara Fischer, gave a popular science talk titled “Seeing the Unseen: how light, ultrasound and blood vessels can help detect …

14-17 March 2023: WINTHER at EMIM 2023 The 18th annual ESMI European Molecular Imaging Meeting took place from 13-17 March 2023 in Salzburg, Austria, where the WINTHER project had a strong presence. In particular, the PS 02 Optoacoustic and Ultrasound Technologies session, was filled with RSOM-related research and was opened …

8 March 2023: TUM Klinikum rechts der Isar named 20th best hospital worldwide The Klinikum rechts der Isar is the university hospital of the Technical University of Munich, Coordinator of the WINTHER project. The hospital, with whom we work very closely, benefits from interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers from medicine, nature, engineering …

28 January 2023: OPTOMICS Coordinator talk at SPIE Photonics West BiOS Hot Topics plenary session WINTHER Coordinator and director of the Chair of Biological Imaging at the Technical University of Munich gave a talk during SPIE Photonics West BiOS Hot Topics plenary session on 28 January 2023 in San Fransisco, …

November 22, 2022: 3rd WINTHER Consortium Meeting After two years of online meetings, the WINTHER Consortium finally met in person again on 22 November 2022 for the 3rd Consortium Meeting. This time we met for discussing the project progress and next steps with the backdrop of the iconic Allianz Arena …

18 November 2022: WINTHER Coordinator presents at Khalifa University On 18 November 2022, Coordinator of the WINTHER project, Prof. Vasilis Nztiachristos, visited Khalifa University’s Faculty of Bioengineering in the United Arab Emirates. The purpose of the talk was to spark new collaborations and disseminate information about optoacoustic imaging in biomedical …

21 October 2022: Twitter Takeover on Day of Photonics 2022! https://winther.munichimaging.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Day-of-Photonics-2022_promo-video.mp4 October 21, 1983, the General Conference of Weights and Measures adopted the value 299,792.458 km/s for the speed of light. At the occasion of the anniversary, on the so-called international Day of Photonics hundreds of activities are voluntarily organized …

22 October 2022: WINTHER Coordinator presents at the GeNeDis 2022 On 22 October 2022, WINTHER Coordinator, Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos, gave a keynote talk titled ‘Illuminating Medical Readings with optoacoutic imaging‘. The talk was part of the 5th Geriatrics and Neurogenerative Diseases Conference in the Session ‘Digital Transformation in the field …

28 September – 1 October 2022: OPTOMICS at the World Molecular Imaging Congress On 28 September 2022 during the World Moleucular Imaging Congress (WMIC) 2022, TUM Coordinator, Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos, ran an Interest Group Workshop on “Advances in Optical and Optoacoustic Interventional Imaging“. The purpose of the workshop and of WMIC, which …

13 July 2022: WINTHER lead scientist webinar on using F-RSOM to assess melanoma On 13 July 2022, WINTHER lead scientist, Hailong He, presented a webinar titled Fast raster-scan optoacoustic mesoscopy enables assessment of human melanoma microvasculature in vivo after the successful publication Nature Communications article of the same name. The webinar, …

04-06 July 2022: OPTOMICS at the Nature Bioengineering Solutions for Biology and Medicine Conference https://vimeo.com/733544444 From 4-6 July 2022, the Nature Bioengineering Solutions for Biology and Medicine Conference was hosted at the Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (HBW) in Munich, Germany. The conference highlighted the latest impactful innovations in bioengineering and artificial intelligence, with a …

12 May 2022: New Publication out in Nature Communications! Our newest WINTHER publication, titled ‘Fast faster-scan optoacoustic mesoscopy enables assessment of human melanoma microvasculature in vivo‘ is out in Nature Communications! The study was conducted by a team of TUM researchers, and shows that Raster-Scan Optoacoustic Mesoscopy (RSOM) can be used …

22 May 2022: New WINTHER publication in the Journal of Biophotonics On 22 May 2022, our next WINTHER peer-reviewed paper was published, this time in the Journal of Biophotonics. The article, titled “Enabling the autofocus approach for parameter optimization in planar measurement geometry clinical optoacoustic imaging“, discusses the development of a …

12 May 2022: New Publication out in Science Translational Medicine! Our newest WINTHER publication, titled ‘Enabling precision monitoring of psoriasis treatment by optoacoustic mesoscopy‘ is out in Science Translational Medicine today! The study was conducted by a team of TUM researchers, and shows that the RSOM can assess the severity of the …

April 28, 2022: European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) Meeting at Laser World of Photonics On April 28, 2022 during the Laser World of Photonics Congress in Munich, Germany, the European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) Meeting was held. The aim of the EPIC meeting is to discuss the current demands, solutions …

March 15-18, 2022: WINTHER at EMIM 2022! From March 15-18, 2022, the 17th annual European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM) of the European Society for Molecular Imaging took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. During the meeting, WINTHER partners gave talks and presented posters in several sessions, including the Coordinator, Prof. Dr. Vasilis Ntziachristos. The …

March 10, 2022: WINTHER 2nd Review Meeting On March 10th, 2022, the WINTHER partners along with the EC Project Officer and our two expert reviewers met for the 2nd Review Meeting. During the meeting, the lead investigators of each key task presented the achievements of Reporting Period 2 and next …

January 26, 2022: WINTHER 2nd Consortium Meeting On January 26th, 2022, the WINTHER partners met for the 2nd Consortium Meeting. The lead investigators and key personnel attended and presentations were given describing the achievements of since our last consortium meeting and next steps toward achieving our goals. Important deadlines, potential …

The achievements of our precursor project, INNODERM, are featured in a new press release from theTechnical University of Munich. In the article, the continued development of the RSOM is highlighted and WINTHER is highlighted on as the follow-up project where groundbreaking developments will continue to be made. The article is …

The precursor project of WINTHER, the INNODERM project, which ran from 2016 to 2021 was chosen to receive the European Commission’s 2021 ECS Innovation Award. On 24 November 2021, at the annual European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems (EFECS) meeting, Coordinator Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos accepted the award on behalf …

For 60 years, Helmholtz Munich has followed the dream to create a research center that would solve global health issues, and are currentl one of the world’s leading centers in metabolic and environmental health research. On November 18th, a celebration was held at the Deutsches Museum in Munich to celebrate …

Today marks the official end of the WINTHER precursor project, INNODERM. For 5+ years (we got 6 extra months together due to the pandemic) our excellent consortium composed of iThera Medical GmbH, Sonaxis SA, Rayfos Ltd, Humanitas University, and led by the Technical University of Munich, has worked tirelessly to …

WINTHER partners and technology had a strong presence at the European Society of Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM) 2021 this week in Göttingen, Germany. There were several presentations and posters by researchers including a plenary talk about bimodal optical/optoacoustic imaging by former IBMI colleague Markus Seeger. Consortium partner iThera Medical was …

WINTHER Coordinator, Vasilis Ntziachristos, gave a keynote lecture titled “The talk was titled ‘A New Era for the Optical Method” at the World of Photonics Congress, which bundles various topical conferences under one roof under the organization by Messe München International. It is a strategic and operative umbrella for various …

The Institute for Biological and Medical Imaging (Munich Imaging) has launched a new organization called Women of IBMI, with the purpose of promoting women in science. The club will serve to provide mentors and female speakers, introduce role models, and organize networking events for our female scientists, aiming to better …

WINTHER Coordinator, Vasilis Ntziachristos, gave a keynote lecture at the Zeiss symposium on Optics in Medicine. The symposium hosted speakers from scientific and industry backgrounds in the field of optics. More information can be found on the Zeiss Symposium website: ZEISS Symposium

27 May 2021: WINTHER Review paper out in Nature Reviews Endocrinology! The first WINTHER peer-reviewed publication is out now in Nature Reviews Endocrinology, titled “Optoacoustic imaging in endocrinology and metabolism“. In the paper, the authors discuss key progress that has been made using the emerging technology optoacoustic imaging for applications to …

Today we finalized our art meets science take on optoacoustic imagery. This beautiful RSOM-generated image of a nailfold capillary and others will soon be hung in the TranslaTUM corridors, beautifying and educating at the same time. Come stop by to see our sci-art and learn a bit more about high-precision …

Our project had its first Review Meeting on April 23, which was held virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. During the meeting we successfully presented results from the first year of operation to our Project Officers and external reviewers. Many thanks goes to our external reviewers and Project Officers, …

On January 15th, 2021, the WINTHER partners met for the 1st Consortium Meeting. The lead investigators and key personnel attended and presentations were given describing the achievements of the project to date. Important deadlines, potential risks and mitigation strategies, and goals were discussed and new team members were introduced. The …

We are delighted to announce that WINTHER lead scientist, Juan Aguirre, has recieved the German Psoriasis Prize of the Deutsche Dematologishe Gesellschaft for his pioneering work with optoacoustic mesoscopy. Congratulations Juan! Check out the DDG presentation (in German) here: Verleihung Psoriasis Preis, Neurodermitis Preis und Almirall Förderpreis

On March 23, 2021, the INNODERM hosted an online industry dissemination workshop/webinar titled “Optoacoustic Imaging in Dermatology”. The aim of the workshop was to present the most exciting INNODERM work and achievements, present on topics of applications and imaging benefits of Raster Scanning Optoacoustic Mesoscopy (RSOM), which were developed during …

In this episode, titled ‘Unsichtbares sichtbar machen’ (Making the invisible visible), INNODERM Coordinator Vasilis Ntziachristos and INNODERM lead scientist, Juan Aguirre, speak about the optoacoustic research and development being performed by our team and its potential impact in the healtcare industry. Watch the whole episode here: SMS – Schwanke meets …

Our next INNODERM webinar, hosted by iThera Medical, will take place on November 10th, 2020. In this webinar, Dr. Juan Aguirre Bueno, PhD, will outline his work using RSOM for imaging of skin inflammatory conditions. Register here: https://lnkd.in/dWw37Qz You can watch this and other RSOM related webinars on our webinars …

With the continuation of the pandemic and necessary mask mandates, we are getting creative with our Dissemination and Communication efforts. WINTHER has printed a limited number of facemasks (to match our RSOM t-shirts) showing a beautiful RSOM image of healthy skin, as well as the WINTHER, EU, and Photonics21 logos. …

The next RSOM-centered webinar, hosted by iThera Medical, will take place on 25th of June, 2020. In this webinar, Dr. Dinish U S, Group Leader, and Dr. Chris Ho, Business Development Manager, at the Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (SBIC) will present their work using Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) and Raster-Scanning Optoacoustic …

This presentation is a test run for new webinar series that, with the help of partner iThera Medical that hosts its own webinar platform, will present optoacoustic mesoscopy related talks. The seminars will occur periodically and will feature clinicians and scientists highlighting the clinical uses of the RSOM. You can …

As the world watches the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic unfold, the WINTHER team is focusing on maintaining public health and keeping its participants safe. As of today, many of our employees at the Technical University of Munich will work only from home. We ask for your understanding for these necessary restrictions, …

Partner TUM presented research using the RSOM during the German Dermatology Society Dermatology Kompakt und Praisnah Days in Dresden this week. During the conference, Christine Schonmann (pictured) presented her work on the skin conditions livedoid vasculitis, and how optoacoustic imaging can improve its diagnosis and monitoring. Dermatologie KOMPAKT & PRAXISNAH …

On 21st January 2020, our team kicked-off the WINTHER project at TranslaTUM (Central Institute for Translational Cancer Research) in Munich. The meeting was hosted by PI Professor Vasilis Ntziachristos. During the meeting, the lead investigator from each consortium partner introduced themselves, their institute or enterprise, and key personnel that will …